North Queensland Cairns
Like most people who are probably reading this, I work a 9 to 5 job. Which means making the most of the weekends. Here in Melbourne getting out to nature at times can be a real mission, you really have to make this your priority. Sometimes I feel the months slipping as each week goes by, living between monthly paychecks. Heck its almost halfway through the year. Recently we took a few days off work and travelled to Cairns (which Australians pronounce Cans, being a kiwi we put to much emphasis on the ‘R’), anyway we had a solid 6-7 days up there. We visited Christina’s family, water holes and waterfalls and dived the Great Barrier Reef, and eat out probably too much.
This trip made me realise a few things; one taking time off work is super good for you. Frees up your mind mentally and re-energizes you. Second, how good travel is. Exploring, getting lost and seeing something for the first time is so good and great break from my normal routine. This trip we got lost looking for this waterfall, walking along this muddy path in Jandal and bare feet battling the leeches and snakes. Coming back to Melbourne I felt a stronger appreciation for nature and how I need to prioritise more of this time in my life. So if you are getting a bit sick and tired of this cold weather I urge you to take those annual leave days and go explore somewhere new. Just 3 days off plus the weekend somewhere would be an amazing break.
Sorry for the ramble, take a break now and enjoy a few photos from the trip.